Monday, November 9, 2009

Asus Maximus Ii Formula Q9550 Overclocking

I have the realization of this shot of the bridge to Emanuele Bobbio " Juza " fatigued. One day of October, en route from its site, I imbattutto in announcing his workshop to Parcellara Stone, a wonderful vantage point on the rising Trebbia, Piacenza Apennines. This is very suggestive of a valley, crossed by the river bed with a very wide Trebbia, whose sides rise gently rolling hills that rise slowly but inexorably. This is a very wide valley than we have around Florence, well oriented in an east-west, taking advantage of the sunlight until late evening. An excellent location for landscape and macro photos.

consider Juza one of the most talented nature photographers in Italy, also in view of his age, a real phenomenon.

The weather did not help us much for the workshop: gloomy day, a lot of fog and lights that are struggling to break through. I thought it would be a complete fiasco and instead the workshop has been very interesting, both for the explanations of Emmanuel, and for the colleagues that I got to know the field.

Towards evening we moved from the Stone Parcellara in Bobbio, in the Val Trebbia. And that's where I got to pull out the shot of the day undoubtedly the most successful.

I have been helped by the slow, creating a silky water that enhances the very river. In addition, the fog over the country, with the lights of public, have made it really spectacular. According to the advice of
Juza: tripod, manual focus. In these circumstances the AF machine can not manage properly, unless you focus on a light source such as lamp posts. The exposure of the machine is the first element to be ignored completely for his lack of trust in the photos at night: take and evaluate the histogram until later .... according to the result will change the couple time / aperture for proper exposure more , repeating the shot. Iso low and remote shutter release (also self-timer and exposure postponed / mirror lock up) to minimize the vibration of the shot.
shooting. Raw and development in place with the final step in Lightroom 2 and Photoshop CS4 (intervention levels, curves, color balance, dodge / burn and saturation).