Monday, April 12, 2010

Contraseña Mp3proclub

short guide to saving

Today the economic situation has become so difficult for many families make ends meet is almost heroic undertaking. For this reason I created this site where I picked up little tricks and tips that will certainly help you save. I remind you that this site is not intended to be exhaustive, but only list fares and tips that I "opinabilissimo proceedings" are cheaper and more satisfying. Maybe after a quick glance you can understand that keeping an eye on the family budget is anything but impossible! It is enough to start with some small attentions to follow such as:

Tip 1: Keeping a notebook of the family budget you will be surprised in seeing what you spend the money and you will find that some expenditure may be unnecessary. Just because you write down the cost makes us think: I can spend less?

Tip 2: If a family drink two bottles of mineral water daily, will spend 235 Euro annually. Producing in house rather than spending will be only 36 (!) Euro. To produce their own car is needed but the cost is amply repaid. Besides, in many municipalities in South Tyrol "the water of the mayor" is much more good than bottled.

Tip 3: Taking a shower instead of a bath saves not only water but also energy.

Tip 4: Build your toilet with a discharge device to save water. In a family of 4 leads to savings of up to 30,000 liters of water a year.

COUNCIL 5: When you let the water waiting for it to become hot to use the cold water the flowers or the rain.

COUNCIL 6: Close the tap while brushing your teeth, one or soap you wash your hands.

COUNCIL 7: Think of the junk from the moment of purchase, as in almost all municipalities in South Tyrol you pay more when you produce more garbage. Prefer recyclable containers, avoid unnecessary packages. When purchasing consider the quality, durability and the possibility of repair.


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