Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hidden Blade Mecanism

Urbet ...... Rome Et Urbet

was staying in that short of Largo Arenula at number 26, as the company moved Via della Vite, from 1962 to 1970 we were in Viale Trastevere 209 tel. 589008, before settling for a long time until 10/05/1994 to the historical site of Piazza Ippolito Nievo No. 27, which for decades was the heartbeat of our Urbet remains to mind the famous 5874, which it was his phone call for years, a sort of emergency-known in the Capitoline City. In
This historic site is touch the peak, the Urbet them became an indisputable reality of private security, any imitation was the loser, the commercial and political power made it unattainable.

Placement and Stations

The strategic placement center, located along the right bank of the Tiber River in the ancient neighborhood of Trastevere, at the foot of several hills ( Della Vittoria, Eur, Capitol, Parioli, St. Paul, Esquilino, Aurelio, Monte Sacro, Sallustiano, Tiburtino, Nomentano, Centocelle, Appio Tuscolano Banner .) facilitate the conduct of the expansion, and every hill above, arose the mythical Stations where the first protourbonici operated with the utmost zeal in carrying out the services assigned to them.


Starting from the sets of fixed stations which protected various private businesses subscribe with us to get to the road patrol at night, played in the early dawn with the bike and application notes of the famous case of control that plagued the day the sidewalks Romans. This service has been the focus of the overwhelming success of Urbet, as well as having an operational role, it was also useful to advertise our reality.

Our effigies were stuck everywhere in the city, were part of a Pasolini and Fellini Roma often identified in them ...... there was virtually no part of Rome without the symbol of the Lupa Urbon.

the conquest of Latium lands

But Urbet did not end with Rome, its growth had no limits and pushing the boundaries to conquer the Romans took notes Ercoliane provinces; Moterotondine, Frascatana , Fiuminensi, Valmontone Pomeziane, Palestrinese, Albania, they are also built of new stations, and also beat them all the Protourbonici adjacent areas, for the sole purpose of disseminating the symbol of their membership.
Urbon reigned there as well ..... conquering ostiche Terre Lazio.

At the end of the expansion began to notice the first creaking institutions, business leaders began to have some defections or bad management at that time were covered by the overwhelming power and economic success, but later as I will tell you will be detrimental to our empire. Continue



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