Monday, November 26, 2007

How To Get My Period To Start Ankle Pressure


L. election, a referendum ok
Cassation: "500 thousand signatures Collections" There are all
500 000 valid signatures to support the presentation of each of the three questions on the electoral law filed in the Supreme Court - the last July 24 - from the organizing committee for the referendum chaired by John Guzzetta. This was learned from the Supreme Court. The validity of the signatures will be officially certified Wednesday at the meeting of the referendum.

The work of verification of signatures was stopped after that, for each of the three questions were counted approximately 540,000 valid signatures. The margin of 40 000 more valid signatures than necessary was felt more than enough.

Overall, the organizing committee - which has bipartisan leaders, Arturo Parisi Stefania Prestigiacomo, Gianni Alemanno to Giovanna Melandri, Mario Segni Peppino Calderisi - had filed 820,916 signatures. After the official green light of the Supreme Court is the Constitutional Court will have to contribute by mid-January. Turnout could be reached in the spring. Two questions relate to the repeal of the electoral coalitions (in order to award the prize to the majority of single list with the most votes and not the entire coalition) and the third to get that one candidate can not be present in more 'constituencies


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